This year as part of my 2015 resolutions I am posting more post about POC authors and characters. This has been a fun and great idea for me and my blog because I get a chance to show off a few authors and books that don't get that much time in the spotlight.
Since April is National Poetry Month I thought I would highlight a few books of poetry by POC authors. Feel free to join me and post a something on your blog about as well.
What is POC?
Well, basically it stands for Person of Color. All Colors! All non-white races are counted as POC.
Previous POC posts
POC Books I Want to Read This Year
POC Children Books
Favorite Female POC Authors
Favorite POC Books from 2014
Click on the covers to go to the books Amazon page.
Previous POC posts
POC Books I Want to Read This Year
POC Children Books
Favorite Female POC Authors
Favorite POC Books from 2014
Click on the covers to go to the books Amazon page.
~ Poetry Books By POC Authors ~

Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine
National Book Award Finalist
#1 Best Seller in Amazon's African American Poetry
Accounts of racially charged interactions, insidious and flagrant, transpiring in private and in the public eye, distill the immediate emotional intensity of individual experience with tremendous precision while allowing ambiguity, ambivalence, contradiction, and exhaustion to remain in all their fraught complexity. . . . Once again Rankine inspires sympathy and outrage, but most of all a will to take a deep look at ourselves and our society. (Publishers Weekly, starred review)