My Little Pocketbooks: Diversity on the Shelf 2015: March Review Link-Up   
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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Diversity on the Shelf 2015: March Review Link-Up
Welcome to the March review linky of Diversity on the Shelf 2015 Reading Challenge.  
Every month I will post a linky for you to add your reviews.  Please have a direct link to the book you are reviewing to the linky.  No links to blog home pages please.  If you don't have a blog, please link to your Goodreads, Amazon, Facebook, LibraryThing or other account where you are reviewing the books for this challenge.
Books that qualify for this challenge are by people of color or with a main character of color.  All shades and races of color are welcomed and encouraged here.  If you still need more clarification on what a person of color is Click Here.
If you haven't signed up for the challenge yet, don't fret you still have time.  Just sign up here! 
If you need a few suggestions on what to read for this challenge check out the list of links to blogs, book list and more. (Links here)
  February Stats
(as of 2/27)
  50 participates
  43 books read and reviewed
First Book Reviewed by Alison @An UnCalibrated Centerifuge

~ March Review Linky ~

Please include the book title and your blog name in parenthesis (e.g. Brown Girl Dreaming (My Little Pocketbooks)) with the direct URL link to your book review. Any links to a blog's home page or main profile will be delected. 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.