My Little Pocketbooks: 2015 Reading Challenges   
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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015 Reading Challenges

It's that time again everyone.  Time to pick your challenge.  Your reading challenges that is.
This year I think I took on way to many and I didn't knock them all out like I wanted.  Out of the 13 reading challenges I signed up for I completed only 11 of them.  So this year, I am only going to sign up for half of that because 13 is a bit over the top for me.  And let me tell you it was soo hard just settling for these and not signing up for 13 new ones. So here they are.  My Reading Challenges for 2015.  

~New to Me Reading Challenge~

New to You Reading Challenge
New To You Reading Challenge
Host: Herding Cats and Burning Soup
Purpose:  Read anything new to you.  New Genre, new author, anything new to you
Level 2: 12 "new to you"s

What's in A Name? 2015
Purpose: During this time you choose a book to read from each of the selected categories 
Level:  Challenge accepted! 

2015 Audiobook Challenge
Purpose: To listen to more audiobooks in 2015 than I did in 2014
Level: Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you) 20-30 

 Mocha Girls Read Reading Challenge
Purpose: Complete one book to make "Mocha Girls 15"
Level: Wrap Speed: Completing levels 1 and 2, AND reading all 2015 Books of the Month (a whooping 24 books) 

~Doing These Challenges Again~

Diversity on the Shelf 2015 Reading Challenge
Host:  My Little Pocketbooks (me)
Purpose:  Read books by authors of color and/or with a main character of color
Level:  4th Shelf (19 - 24 books)

Banned Books Reading Challenge
Purpose: To read books from the banned book list
Level:  Making Waves 1-2 Challenged Books
 Goodreads Reading Challenge
Host: Goodreads
Purpose: To read books to hit my goal.
Level: 55 books

What cool and interesting reading challenges have you signed up for?  How many did you sign up for?   Any new ones?