My Little Pocketbooks: Diversity on the Shelf: Links and Resources   
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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Diversity on the Shelf: Links and Resources
Inspired by the POC Reading Challenge

The Diversity on the Shelf 2014 Reading Challenge starts in 3 days and counting!! (Sign up here for 2015)
If you are new to making a conscious effort towards diversifying your bookshelf and need a few suggestions check out these links I have collected.  By the way they are not in any particular order and some of them are not very recent but still useful.
 This list will grow and change as I find more resources, so check back every once in awhile.

~ Former Reading Challenge~
POC Reading Challenge
The bloggers who hosted the reading challenge linked a ton of great resources and you can also read the reviews they linked up each month.

~Diversity Promoting Blogs~
~Diversity in Children's Literature~
Kristi's Book Nook
Kid Lit Frenzy 
Black Threads in Kid's Lit
My Sister My Friend
The Brown Bookshelf

~Interesting Links~
I'll Buy The Book! Petition
#WeNeedDiverseBooks Campaign

~Book and Author List~
CBCC Multicultural Literature Resources
Native American Authors
Fangs for Fantasy
American Indians in Children's Literature
Recommended Books on American Indians
ringShout: a Place for Black Literature
AALBC: 100 Favorite 20th Century African American Books
Library Booklists: YA Diverse & Multicultural Fiction
POC Author & Book Suggestions  A-K......L-Z
(compiled a couple of years ago by POC Reading Challenge, hasn't been recently updated)
Authors In Color 
Novels in Verse (Poetry)

~Authors of Color Blogs~
JL Campbell 
Tananarive Due 
G.E. Johnson
Romance Writers of West Africa
Kiru Taye
Empi Baryeh
Nana Prah
Myne Whitman Writes
Janiera Eldridge
Victoria H. Smith
Eugenia Writes!

~Book Clubs~
 APOOO African American Book Club 
Mocha Girls Read Book Club 
OOSA Online Book Club

~Diversity Based Reading Challenges~
 Travel the World in Books
2015 Africa Reading Challenge
7 Continents 7 Billion People 7 Books
We Need Diverse Books
Dive Into Diversity
Around the World

~Diversity Reading Challenge~
Diversity on the Shelf 2014 
Diversity on the Shelf 2015

If you have any blogs, links or authors you would like me to add to this list please leave it in the comment section below.