My Little Pocketbooks: Adding More Reading Challenges 2014   
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Adding More Reading Challenges 2014

I have completely lost my mind and for some crazy reason I am adding a few more reading challenges to my list of 2014 Reading Challenges.  I just love them so and I always have high hopes for myself each year.  So without further adieu!  Here are the new additions to my 2014 Reading Challenges.  And yes there is one (or two) more I am eyeing.  *shhh!*
Hosted by Bookishardour
Level: Trying – Choose 15 books to read
I did this one last year and I would love to knock off 15 more books off my shelf.  If I complete the 12 from my TBR list then I have to just read 3 more.  EASY! 

Level: 12 dusty books
This is not the official badge for this reading challenge.  It has been moved to Goodreads now and this is the header photo.  This is my 3rd year of this reading challenge.  One year I rocked it and  one year I didn't.  This year I am off to a good start.


photo credit: Old Books by Petr Kratochvil 
Level:  Making Waves: 1-2 Challenged Books
This challenge is going to be a stretch for me because I am aiming at reading books I have at home.  So I will try and find at least two (at the library) for this challenge.

So am I crazy? Maybe.  Reading Challenge Addict?  YES!!  And what about you?