My Little Pocketbooks: Sunday Delight: Another Challenge or Two   
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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sunday Delight: Another Challenge or Two

Happy 1st Sunday of 2015!
I have signed up for two more challenges and yes I know that was not my first intention.  I signed up for 13 reading challenges last year and failed at 3 of them.  This year the goal was to sign up for about have of that, around 7.  Well there are two more I want to add to the list, making it 9.
First I am signing up for:

Purpose:  Travel the world in books, of course! Expand your horizons and read books set in or written by authors from countries other than the one you live in. Visit as many different countries in books as you wish.
My Goal: For the year of 2015 I will 5 books set in another country outside of the U.S. and 5 books by non-American authors

The second one is not a reading challenge but a helping/motivating group that I saw on Tanya's blog.
Purpose:  To get my blog organized by June 2015.

My Goal: To complete each months theme and challenge.

So there they are the (hopefully) last two challenges I am planning on tackling for 201.  I hope!  God it's hard saying No! LOL!

Here and Now

Time: 12:01 pm
Drinking: Green Tea with Lemon and Honey
Eating: Apple Slices
 Listening To: Gospel Radio on
Watching: Nothing much

My Bookish Stuff

 Reading: Nothing yet (I haven't picked a book to start 2015 with)
 Listening To: Vicious by V.E. Schwab
 Next Read: (Maybe) A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan
Up Coming Review: Flora and Ulysses by Katie DiCamillo

My Favorite Blog Post from Me

Diversity on the Shelf 2015: January Review Link-Up & Giveaway
New Author Reading Challenge: Wrap Up
Banned Book Challenge 2014: Wrap Up

Favorite Book Blogging Events and Links

Here are a few things I ran across this week from other book bloggers and just around the blogiverse.  Click on the buttons to check out the events as well.
Sign Ups are open here for Diversity on the Shelf 2015 Reading Challenge.  Click the button to join us.  There will be giveaways and get reads to be had by all.

Blog Birthday: There are several blogs celebrating Blog B-days this week:
Stuck in Books (turns 4)
My Little Pocketbooks (turn 4 next week)

Cool Reading Challenges

Upcoming Bloggish Events
March 2015 Take Control of Your TBR Pile
Wednesday, January 7: Books 1-2
Wednesday, January 14: Book 3
Wednesday, January 21: Books 4-5
Wednesday, January 28: Books 6-7

What cool reading challenges are you signed up for in 2015?