My Little Pocketbooks: Clean Sweep ARC Challenge: Wrap Up   
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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge: Wrap Up

The challenge dates: May 1 to 31st. 
I am so glad I joined this challenge.  I didn't read a ton of new books.  I didn't even get 5 off of my TBR list.  But what I did do was a big first step in the right direction.  Here is my sign up post with my goals and the huge list of books sitting here looking at me.
1.  I completed 3 books.  Yeah!  I could have read one more but I wanted to finish a few other books laying around here.  
2.  I now have a list of the ARC's in my house.
3.  All the ARC's are now in one area in my house. They were here and there on the bookcase.  Now they all live in one space.  Happily together!  *le sigh*
4.  My Library page has now ARC labels on the ARC's I have read.  How cool is that?

I didn't get time to join in the mini-challenges but I hope *fingers crossed* they host this challenge one more time.  Say like in August around Bout of Books.  Hummm!  Hint!  Hint!
Books Completed (Click the titles to read my reviews)

My Favorite of the books I read: 
ARC The Supreme's At Earls All-You-Can-Eat
My Least Favorite of the books I read:

I just have fifteen more to read.  ARGH! One day I will read them.  LOL!  May be I will knock out one a month at least.  Then by the end of this year I will be down to 12.  But you know where I am right now?  BEA aka ARC City!  So my list of 15 is going to grow quick fast and in a hurry. 
Oh! And by the way, I have also decided the book two's in my pile are not going to get read until I get book one and complete that one first.  Honestly, I had no idea what ARC's I had in my house until this challenge.
Thanks hostesses!  You guys rock!

Did you join this reading challenge?  How did you do? 

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