My Little Pocketbooks: Month of TGIF #24   
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Friday, July 27, 2012

Month of TGIF #24

I decided to join a weekly meme called TGIF.  I kept seeing the button on top of so many sites, so I wanted to join in too.
This feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's posts and to answer the proposed question from Ginger at GReads.  Check her out and join in the fun!
This Friday, I am going to catch up with all the post I have missed this month.  And yes, I might do this every single month.

Comfort Reads

This one is not hard for me only because I don't have one.  LOL!  I know that sounds odd but I don't have a book that I read again and again.  I don't like re-reading books or watching movies again and again.  It's because once I know the ending I completely loose interest.  I don't know why but it happens. 

Quotes That Make You Swoon

I have no idea to be honest.  There are so many quotes and I am not the reader that memorizes them after I read them.  I know Twilight had a few.  I mean the swoon worthy quotes were the one thing that keep me reading (the whole series).  Edward even had a few good ones. 

Throwback TGIF

I have a few favorite TGIF post that I have done so far.  Ginger has made me think a few time too!  But overall I have to say that after 23 post...TGIF #11 Book Blogger Retreat is my best post so far.  And it was the one post I was dying to read what the other bloggers had to say.  The answers were pretty much the same but very different. 
Bon Voyage!

Christmas in July

Dear Santa, 
I have been good this year (so far) and I would be much better when you give me a new ipad3.  I think I deserve it!  And you won't have to buy me any books or music.  I will take any color you want to give me.  I know it's a bit early but Ginger wanted me to give you a heads up. 
Thanks Santa for the soon to be hook up!!
~Alysia  (your favorite fan)

What are your comfort reads?  Do you have a favorite book quote that makes you swoon every time you read it?  What is your favorite TGIF post?  If Santa came this month what do you want him to bring you?

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