My Little Pocketbooks: TGIF #15 ~Reading Blues~   
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Friday, April 27, 2012

TGIF #15 ~Reading Blues~

I decided to join a weekly meme called TGIF.  I kept seeing the button on top of so many sites, so I wanted to join in too.
This feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's posts and to answer the proposed question from Ginger at GReads.  Check her out and join in the fun!

 This Friday's Question
Reading Blues: We all get them from time to time. What helps you overcome those reading slumps when nothing seems to grab your attention?

My Answer
 OMG!  I think Ginger was not reading a book but she was reading my mind.  (I know that sounds corny!) but I was just thinking about this.  I think I have reading burn out.  I have been feeling like I have to read and read a lot more than I normally do for fun.  I am 4 months into my new blog and I am trying to not make reading WORK!  But keep it my fun thang.  
So my answer to this weeks question is to read... keep it fun.  Read a wide variety of books.  Don't just stick to YA, fiction or fantasy.  Try something new to break it up a bit.  I have finished a non-fiction book, jumped into fiction and YA the following week.  You know should read something that made you fall into love with reading again!  Did Anne of Green Gables make you fall in love with reading?  If so pick it up again.  Hopefully this will work.  If not, it's ok to take a break and eat ice cream all day long.  LOL!
What do you think will help someone (me) overcome their reading slum?
Weekly Recap