My Little Pocketbooks: Halloween Edition: Book Blogger Hop: Halloween Snacks   
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Friday, October 9, 2015

Halloween Edition: Book Blogger Hop: Halloween Snacks

Happy Friday everyone. 
The other day I was just thinking...WOW!  It's October already.  When did that happen?  I feel like I was just at June getting back from BEA15.  Now we are talking about Halloween.  Say what!?

What is Book Blogger Hop all about?
Each week the host at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted writer will prompt a new topic submit by a blogger and everyone can join in with their answers. You should join us! It's quite fun!  No really it is!

This Weeks Topic/Question

October 9th - 15th: Halloween Edition: What's your favorite "Halloween" snack to munch on while you're reading? 

My Answer

I love so many candy flavors and various brands it's so hard to just pick one.  Now that Halloween candy is mostly available all year round as bite size I can eat them anytime.   
But one of my favorite snacks to eat while reading is...
wait for it...
I know it is not counted as Halloween candy but it's soo good.  I seem to eat a box every time I open one.  
Oh by the way...have you seen all the cute Halloween candy ideas on Pinterest.  OMG! Soo yummy.

What about you?

What's your favorite "Halloween" snack to munch on while you're reading?