Hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
Happy Friday everyone.
TGIF!!!!! Everyone!
*happy dance*
*happy dance*
What is Book Blogger Hop all about?
Each week the host at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted writer will prompt a new topic submit by a blogger and everyone can join in with their answers. You should join us! It's quite fun! No really it is!
This Weeks Topic/Question
October 16th - 22nd - Halloween Edition: Your having a costume party with the theme "Book Characters." Who would you go as?
My Answer
Ok since we are doing the make believe version and I get to be the same dress size as the character I am picking then I would select...
Storm from the X-Men series. I mean look at her. You mean if I get to pick to be someone for a day. Hell yeah! I would be storm in a heart beat. LOL!
What about you?
Your having a costume party with the theme "Book Characters." Who would you go as?