My Little Pocketbooks: Sunday Delight: Bloggiesta Is Coming!   
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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Delight: Bloggiesta Is Coming!

Happy Sunday Everyone!
Yes and you can read up top, Bloggiesta is coming!  I am so excited!  I have been looking forward to this event for some time.  With the Book Blogger Organization Challenge I have knocked so many things off of my to do list.  So this time my Bloggiesta goals will be about a few non-blog things.  
What is Bloggiesta you ask?
In short, Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon revolving around ticking off those items on your to-do list and improving your blog while in the good company of other awesome bloggers doing the same thing. Our awesome mascot Pedro (Plan. Edit. Develop. Review. Organize) is ready to break out the nachos, enchiladas, drinks, mariachi music and whack a pinata or two! It’s nothing short of an awesome fiesta! -From Bloggiesta
So that is it in a nutshell!  Since this Bloggiesta is a week long my list will be a bit more than usual.


  1. Clean up my Goodreads shelves (from Book Blogger Organization Challenge)
  2. Delete duplicates on your shelves: Go to “My Books” and then below all of your shelves you’ll see “find duplicates”. Just MAKE SURE you’re deleting the correct version! I accidentally deleted a version that had all my status updates for a book and I was pretty bummed. There’s no way to get that back if you delete the wrong one!
  3. Create new shelves and delete ones you don’t really need: I’m a Goodreads shelf fanatic. If you’re looking to get more organized, create some new ones for genres, star rating, POV, currently own, or where you got them from! Or you can delete some of the shelves you haven’t really been using.
  4. Go through the books you’ve shelved and make sure they’re shelved properly! For some reason if I add a book to a shelf and don’t put it on Read/To-Read/Currently Reading, the default is “Read” so I’ve had to go back and swap that around to “To-Read”. I’ve also gone through ALL of the books that I’ve shelved and made sure they’re all in the right place!
  5. Update to proper versions: I’m not too huge on having the correct version of a book on my shelves but I know some people are! (For me what matters is the right cover, most of the time) but if you like Goodreads to reflect the proper versions that you own or have read, hop to it!
  6. TBR Culling! Go through your TBR and remove books that you don’t want to read anymore. I’m sure we all have HUNDREDS of books on our TBRs so now’s a good time to weed through what you might be able to part with, especially books you don’t already own!
  7. Check out groups and friend lists too: Here’s another place to update your friends — make sure you’re not missing anyone or remove people (if you so desire) that you don’t need to follow anymore. Same with groups!
  8. Host a Bloggiesta Tutorial (so excited)
  9. Visit other participants

Here and Now

Time: 8:15 am
Drinking:  Hot Green Tea with lemon and honey (my blogging drink)
 Listening To: Jill Scott Radio on Pandora
Watching: Nothing

  Fitness Goal

Starting Weight: 211lbs (12/8/14)
Current Weight: 206 lbs
Days Worked Out: 1

My Bookish Stuff

 Reading: nothing at the moment.  I started the first chapter in The Lowlands and then I put it down.  I haven't picked it up in a few days or anything else (yet)
 Listening To: The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl by Issa Rae
 Next Read:  I stopped Lily Blue, Blue Lily and I will return to the audiobook after I finish the one I am listening to now.  
Up Coming Review: Mom & Me & Mom by Maya Angelou

My Favorite Blog Post from Me

Favorite Female POC Authors
Spring Cleaning Giveaway

Favorite Book Blogging Events and Links

Here are a few things I ran across this week from other book bloggers and just around the blogiverse.  Click on the buttons to check out the events as well.

Read For Your Future just got a new book reviewer on their crew.  Click here to see this cutie!

Like I said earlier... Bloggiesta starts tomorrow!  Sign ups are open.  And yes!  This is a big one that will last a whole week. 

Books and Sensibility did a great post on Diverse Book Covers

Check out The Book Wheel's March Madness Sixteen Sweet Books about Basketball.  Very cool!

Tanya at Girlxoxo has a great list of links you should check out here.
I  have bookmarked it and I will be jumping from one link to the next all week.

Sign Ups Are Open

Happy 4th Blogging Birthday to

What interesting book and bloggish things have you run across lately?