My Little Pocketbooks: The House Girl Read-A-Long   
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Saturday, February 1, 2014

The House Girl Read-A-Long

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It has been years since we had a read-a-long for our book of the month. I am happy to say Mocha Girl Cornethia will be hosting a month-long read-a-long on her blog THE CORN-VERSATION. What's a read-a-long?
A Read-A-Long is like a book club meeting but it has a weekly schedule instead of a monthly one. This way you will have discussions, chit-chat and Q&A's along the way as you are reading the book together. And if you follow the schedule you will finish the book just in time for book club meeting. Perfect!

Meet Mocha Girl Cornethia

Hi, I'm Cornethia and I'm truly ecstatic that you found "The CORN-versation"! Journey with me as I navigate through my new life as a semi-SAHM (stay-at-home-mom).
I'm a former educator, math-nerd, and wanna-be professional organizer whose current obsessions include Pinterest, reading , DIY projects, and fitness. I will admit I'm not a professional chef or designer, however, I LIVE for the chance to try a new found recipe or Pinterest craft.
I'm looking forward to sharing my daily minutia as a wife and mother of 2 girls with hopes of inspiring you to take the creative plunge with me as well as finding motivation to live a happy and healthy life.

Information About the Read-A-Long

To join this read-a-long click on the book banner and leave a comment for Mocha Girl Cornethia to let her know you are reading along with us. If you want to get a reminder of the check in dates go to her blog and enter your email address in the "Follow by Email" box and you will get an email when it's time to check in and chit-chat.
Click Here for Book Information and to purchase your copy click here. It's never to late to join in.

Read-A-Long Schedule

Part 1: Completion Date - Sunday, February, 9, 2014 (117 pages)
Part 2: Completion Date - Tuesday, February, 18, 2014 (130 pages)
Part 3: Completion Date - Thursday, February, 27, 2014 (115 pages)
Final Thoughts post on Friday, February, 28, 2014
Thank you so much Mocha Girl Cornethia for hosting our first read-a-long for 2014.
You rock!