My Little Pocketbooks: Review: A Vintage Affair   
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Review: A Vintage Affair
A Vintage Affair
Author: Isabel Wolff
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Publisher:  Bantam
Release Date: April 5, 2011
Audiobook: 12 hours and 11 minutes
Narrator: Violet Mathieson
Paperback: 384 pages

Source: Purchased from Border's Bookstore in 2011 at their closing sale
Buy the Book: Amazon
Book Description
Every dress has a history. And so does every woman.
In Isabel Wolff’s captivating A Vintage Affair, a treasured child’s coat becomes a thread of hope connecting two very different women.
Her friends are stunned when Phoebe Swift abruptly leaves a plum job at the prestigious Sotheby’s auction house to open her own vintage clothing shop in London—but to Phoebe, it’s the fulfillment of a dream. In the sunlight-flooded interior of Village Vintage, surrounded by Yves Saint Laurent silk scarves, Vivienne Westwood bustle skirts, cupcake dresses, and satin gowns, Phoebe hopes to make her store the hot new place to shop, even as she deals with two ardent suitors, her increasingly difficult mother, and a secret from her past that casts a shadow over her new venture.
For Phoebe, each vintage garment carries its own precious history. Digging for finds in attics and wardrobes, Phoebe is rewarded whenever she finds something truly unique, for she knows that when you buy a piece of vintage clothing, you’re not just buying fabric and thread—you’re buying a piece of someone’s past. But one particular article of clothing will soon unexpectedly change her life.
Thérèse Bell, an elderly Frenchwoman, has an impressive clothing collection. But among the array of smart suits and couture gowns, Phoebe finds a child’s sky-blue coat—an item with which Bell is stubbornly reluctant to part. As the two women become friends, Phoebe will learn the tale of that little blue coat. And she will discover an astonishing connection between herself and Thérèse Bell—one that will help her heal the pain of her own past and allow her to love again.

Oh where do I start?!  I guess I will tell you the story of how I got this book.  I purchased this book in 2011 when Border's Bookstore closed it's door and liquidated everything.  I mean everything, right down to the shelves the books were sitting on.  Well like most of you I was nabbing and grabbing books by the arm loads and getting 70 - 80% off of everything I brought up to the registrar.  Needless to say there were good reads and bad reads mixed in the bunch.  (Side note:  All the was way before I started blogging and before the book club.  So cheap books was my thing.)  It is now 2 years and several months later and I decided to read this book for my challenges.  Oh!  Almost forgot to tell you, I bought it because I loved the cover and the title.  I never read the synopsis.  NEVER!  Ok!  So now December 2013 roles around and I pull it off my shelf and put!  I lost it!  I have no idea where I put it.  It's just...GONE!  Vanished!  So I download the audiobook and started with that until I found it.  THEN....I FEEL IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK!  
Yep!  I love this book.  The story is about women and their relationships with each other, men, and of course their clothes.  Vintage clothes.  I love vintage.  So that was a huge plus.  Phoebe leaves her great job at Sotheby's (a job I would love to have) and opens a vintage dress shop.  Second side note: This is all taking place in London.  I was living Phoebe's life.  I want to be her.  This story is not all cute dresses by famous designers, there is an ugly and dark side too.  The story of war and the holocaust.  One, I will not tell all the details about it because I don't want to spoil it for you.  Did I mention I love this story?  OK! Sorry!
Then let's take a minute and talk about the narrator Violet Mathieson.  I love a good British accent and when they already have one that is even better.  But this young lady was superb because she acted and pulled at my heart strings, gave me chills, and made me laugh.  She was all the characters in one.  LOVE HER!!
After reading this story, I am upset it's over, happy I am waiting to do my Best of 2013 list, and spending too much time on eBay and Pinterst looking at vintage dresses.
 *sigh* I want this dress!!! *sigh*
This book is Bridget Jones Diary meets Twenty's Girl.
Thank you for pulling me out of my reading slum. 

P.S. If you see a copy of this book just laying around, read it then return it to me please. 

Reviews by Other Bloggers

I recommend this book to young adults due to mild mention of sex.

 This book is number 10 in my Dusty Bookshelf Reading Challenge
This book is number 19 in my Off the Shelf Reading Challenge
This book is number 20 in my TBR Pile Reading Challenge
This book is number 31 in my Women's Reading Challenge
This book is number 30 in my Audiobook Challenge
This book is number 47 in my Goodreads Challenge