Hosted & created by Tynga's Reviews This post is my weekly update about the shiny new books I have bought (I know I need to stop buying them), won (I love to enter giveaways) or received from authors or others. As well as purses I buy or receive, of course!
Click the photo to go to or to read more about the books or to purchase a copy.
I think this is the last one for 2012. I have *sigh* picked up a few new books and audiobooks since my last post on October 30, 2012. (Which was a nothing post.) Next year, I will be posting a monthly Stacking the Shelves with (hopefully) one book purchase. Hopefully! That is the plan at least.
From EsoWon Bookstore
This is the Mocha Girls Read book of the month for December. So I had to get it!I have to say this will be my first James Patterson book. I will be reading this one on the plane.

I bought this one just because it was on sale and I love this author. I mean what would you do? LOL! Exactly.
Both of these were free audiobooks for Audible Members. These audiobooks are short and will be perfect for my travel reading time.
That's it! I am done purchasing books for 2012. No really! Well at least for myself that is. Soon, I am going to post my 2013 Bookish Resolution regarding my purchasing and reading habits for the new year to come. Fingers Crossed! It will be an easy resolution to keep.
What new and shinny books did you get last week?
What new and shinny books did you get last week?