Yes it Bloggiesta Time here at My Little Pocketbooks!
I am going to commit to doing Blogiesta again this year! Never heard of it. Well, about 100+ bloggers have signed up to this event. Here is the basics of it. This wonderful event was originally started four years ago by Natasha of Maw Books and has been passed down to Danielle @ There’s a Book and Suey @ It’s All About Books. Bloggiesta is an event that bloggers everywhere look forward to twice a year. From September 28, 2012 to September 30, 2012 bloggers commit to completely finish their Blogging To Do List. And like all great blogging events there are mini-challenge giveaways and tons of Tweeting. If you want to join the party, go to There's A Book and sign up.
If you decide to participate, here's what you can expect:
- to spend time that weekend (as much or as little as your schedule allows) working on your blog
- to create a to do list to share on your blog and link up with other participants
- to hopefully participant in several mini challenges and learn something new
- to connect with other participants through blog hopping or twitter
- to make new blogging friends!
- to come away at the end of the three days with a spiffed up blog!
Click here to see my list from the last event
6. Fix the links on My Library page.
7. Participate in BlogFest 2012 as well.
8. Update sidebar for the month of October
9. Update review page
1. Visit and comment on as many blogs as possible.
2. Participate in Bloggiesta challenges and learn something.
So this time I have been thinking long and hard about this To Do List and here is what I have come up with.
On this blog
1. Finish all outstanding reviews (about 7 of them)
2. Do as many upcoming post as possible.
3. Back up blog
4. Fix- or Re-do blog copyright
5. Fix About Me Page. (I have no idea what happened to it.)
On the book club website
1. Complete as many post as possible.
2. Update Meet the Team page
3. Update the Library page.
4. Update widgets for the month of October.
5. Update calendar.
Other stuff
There are probably a few more things to take care of but this is good for now.
Be sure to link up your To Do Lists at the starting line up post over at Danielle's from There's a Book.
And here's the link to all the new mini challenges.
Also, don't forget the Twitter parties!
Be sure to link up your To Do Lists at the starting line up post over at Danielle's from There's a Book.
And here's the link to all the new mini challenges.
Also, don't forget the Twitter parties!