My Little Pocketbooks: Why I Love Wednesday #8   
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why I Love Wednesday #8

Alexis from Reflections of a Bookaholic started a Wednesday Meme called Why I Love Wednesday. Hop on over to Alexis' blog and join in the fun. 

The topic this Wednesday is...Debut Authors
Honestly, I am lacking in the debut author reading.  I just read The Darkest Child by Delores Phillips.  The Darkest Child is M. Delores Philips' first and only novel to date.  
Clutch Magazine did an interview with Ms. Phillips.  Here is an except.
Clutch: Tell us, did you anticipate your debut novel, The Darkest Child, would become the highly acclaimed, award winning book it has become?
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that The Darkest Child would do as well as it has done, and I never thought about an award until I was given the BCALA First Novelist Award. I felt honored to receive the award.
Clutch: Having received the First Novelist Award from the Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA), are you inspired to pen future novels?
I have read many reviews of the novel. There are readers who want to know more about this family and the outcome of the children. I am inspired by that, and I hope to write many more novels.
 (Read more)