My Little Pocketbooks: TGIF #10 ~Bookish Trends~   
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Friday, March 23, 2012

TGIF #10 ~Bookish Trends~

I decided to join a weekly meme called TGIF.  I kept seeing the button on top of so many sites, so I wanted to join in too.
This feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's posts and to answer the proposed question from Ginger at GReads.  Check her out and join in the fun!
This Friday's Question
Bookish Trends: What are some bookish trends you are noticing in the literature world today? Is there a particular trend you'd like to see more of?
My Answer
 I have noticed the trend in most YA books have a lack of diversity in cover art and characters.  I talked to the authors on the Breathless Tour about it and Beth Revis author of Across the Universe and A Million Suns about this and she had a great insight on it. 
Basically, a new author wants to get published and will write what is currently popular.  They get published and then it starts a cycle.  And if they do they get labeled as African American fiction and put in the back of the store.  (I paraphrased this quote)
Here are a few of the most popular covers. 
 Would it be interesting to have these character reflect the world we live in now?